Interesting Articles

Procrastinate procrastination – 6 easy steps

Posted on April 29, 2008. Filed under: Interesting Articles |

Came across this article, bearing an interesting subject, with interesting facts. It s so true that if one can start putting their dreams into actions, perhaps the dreams are not unachievable afterall….



“I’m going to make those marketing calls. Yup, tomorrow I will.”

“Dang, there’s the alarm. I’ll hit the snooze button – just one more time.”

“I’m going to start an exercise program. I’ll look into it next week.”

“I’ll get that GST report done – one of these days.”

“I’d really like to tell her how I feel about what she said to me. But not now. Maybe there will be a good time later – maybe.”

“Let’s get together for a visit. I’ll call you one of these days.”

watchDo you allow yourself to get sucked-in to these thoughts and actions, or lack of action now and then? I do, or did, or won’t anymore.

The more I chose these putting-off thoughts and actions, the more immobilized I became. When I chose to do that, I felt inadequate, frustrated, unworthy, and then rushed or panicked. The next emotional “trip” was blame, guilt, or anger – maybe all three. My situation was because of somebody or something else – not my fault.

I don’t know about you, but those feelings don’t seem champion-like. Those are not feelings that I want to embrace.

If I could give you easy steps to procrastinate procrastination so you can feel energized, worthy, productive, happy, and successful, would it be of value to you? If so, read on.

Procrastination is proof that we can postpone our happiness, dreams, and success until another time. We hope and wish that something will magically happen, so our lives will finally be amazing and incredible. Procrastination is a pathetic excuse for not attempting, succeeding, learning, or growing. It’s a pathetic excuse for not using our potential NOW, for not living NOW. Yet many of us procrastinate on a regular basis.

achieveThe psychological payoffs for procrastination are immense. We:
– avoid doing things we perceive to be fearful or uncomfortable
– eliminate risk and avoid change
– can be critical of others and use their inadequacies as justification for our own inactivity
– blame others or the world for our circumstances and results
– win sympathy from others and feel sorry for ourselves
– waste our days, weeks, and years agonizing inside about things we didn’t do
– justify sloppiness or incompetent work because “I just didn’t have enough time”
– avoid success and the perceived responsibilities.

Procrastinating procrastination involves conscious awareness of our actions (or inactions) and making new conscious choices. There are only two choices.

1. Do something so it is “done.” Then you can fully experience the feelings of pride, joy, exhilaration, wonder, awe, and great learnings. These are in-the-moment NOW feelings. The outcome may not always be as you pictured it, however there is always a great lesson when we look for it.

2. Don’t do something, because it is not important now and is therefore “undone.” Accept this without any feelings of guilt, anxiety, or remorse.
Here are 6 easy steps to procrastinate procrastination. Do them, or procrastinate – your choice. Decide for yourself how good it feels.
** Note: this next part took me a few hours to write because I had things to do with each step.


1. Take 15 minutes ONLY and do one thing you really want to do; i.e. a walk, play with your child, bubble-bath, reflect on things for which you are grateful, read a really good book (like mine). Focus your attention only on your experience and the great feelings. You are an amazing human being!!
** Excuse me; I’m going outside for a run with my dog, Tip.

2. Do something that you have been putting off. Start now! You’ll find the task is not as bad as you perceived. Choose to enjoy the project and especially the feeling of accomplishment, or movement in a desired direction.
** By gosh, that feels good to complete that GST report.

3. Ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that could happen if I do this?” Usually, the perceived fears or challenges are insignificant compared to what you can gain.
** Although I was afraid to ask Carol about our conversation, I did. I learned I had misunderstood. She was not upset at me. She was frustrated because of her own procrastination. She’s doing something about it now, just as I’ve done.

4. If you find yourself being critical, blaming, or sympathetic of others, ask yourself, “Would I want others to do this to me?”
** I will not allow my critical thoughts about him to destroy our working relationship. I am going to see him, now, to talk about this head-to-head and heart-to-heart. He’s a great leader, a wonderful man, and thank goodness he’s not a copy of me. I will clearly set my boundaries in regard to what I am willing to do.

5. Evaluate your commitments. Are you stupendously prepared? Have you invested the time to do the job in an exceptional way, fully utilizing your abilities and talents?
** I get to practice that presentation one more time. Now I know I’m ready!

6. Gauge your self-talk. Ensure it is positive and supportive. “I should do this.” “I must do that.” These debilitating mental conversations are an attack on your self-fullness. Be proactive rather than reactive.
** I will visit my neighbour this afternoon. I’ll easily finish this article today. Today is a fantastically productive day for me.

Will any or all of these steps work for you?

If you want to be a champion, take ownership of your life and act now – not tomorrow, NOW! You’ll like how it feels.

When you act in ways that allow you to feel really good, you’ll find you can be, do, or have anything you want. It’s the Law of Attraction – and it works.

~ Dan Ohler





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Who earns what Worldwide

Posted on April 16, 2008. Filed under: Interesting Articles |


These are some interesting facts on world wealth allocation:-


The world’s 225 richest people now have a combined wealth of $1 trillion. That’s equal to the combined annual income of the world’s 2.5 billion poorest people. (225 vs 2.5 billion!!! my gosh)

The richest 1% of adults in the world own 40% of the planet’s wealth, according to the largest study yet of wealth distribution. The report also finds that those in financial services and the internet sectors predominate among the super rich.  (mmm…financial services. I am glad I have chosen the right trade to be in 🙂 )

Three billion people live on less than $2 per day while 1.3 billion get by on less than $1 per day. Seventy percent of those living on less than $1 per day are women. (huh? I thougt women are the big spenders)

Three decades ago, the people in well-to-do countries were 30 times better off than those in countries where the poorest 20 percent of the world’s people live. By 1998, this gap had widened to 82 times. (Now? I am sure the gap has been widen again. If rich get richer…someone out there would have gotten poorer!)

Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has more wealth than the bottom 45 percent of American households combined.

Europe, the US and some Asia Pacific nations account for most of the extremely wealthy. More than a third live in the US. Japan accounts for 27% of the total, the UK for 6% and France for 5%.

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Brilliant Compensation Video

Posted on April 15, 2008. Filed under: Interesting Articles |


A friend of mine sent this “Brilliant Compensation Video”.  The video is meant to explain the concept of Network Marketing. I enjoyed it because the presented business model is very much the same as what the unit trust industry is offering. But Network Marketing is shown here to be more than what I thought it was, so much so in the US, a university offers it as a subject in itself. I find the presentation is very interesting and very informative BUT only to those whom are keen to look at joining this industry.  (I have friends claiming the video almost bored them to death! 🙂 )


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What’s wrong with working hard in a job?

Posted on April 14, 2008. Filed under: Interesting Articles |


This is a well-known story about building pipelines vs carrying bucket, illustrating the difference between working hard in a job vs building your own business network. I just love this online animated version, it makes the whole story appear much more fun than just reading it from the book!


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